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Celebrity Horoscope for Jeremy Kemp

Celebrity Astrology Profile
Jeremy Kemp

Born February 3, 1935

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Elements and Qualities:

Four or more planets in Water signs

A great deal of your time is spent in the world of feelings, emotions and intuitions. For the most part, your life is experienced as an ebb and flow of emotional tides and currents. You usually react strongly to the emotional atmosphere of any given situation. You don't deal with people so much by their outward appearance as you do by their inner state. You seem to know things intuitively and have some degree of psychic power. Your best communication is often nonverbal.

You are very impressionable though you try to hide it. Since intangibles play a great role in your life, practicality or intellectualism isn't necessarily your thing.

Few things bring you greater happiness than a successful, close, personal relationship. You have an innate understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all forms of life. Empathy, compassion and emotional rapport can be your strongest virtues. However, not many people are ready to merge the way you are. Learn to recognize and respect other peoples' boundaries. Because of your constant awareness of other peoples' emotions, you need to insure your privacy and to practice some form of daily prayer or meditation.

TIP: Master an art form such as poetry, music, photography or dance. You can do it.

All things aquatic and nautical fascinate you; you are in your natural element when surrounded by water. So, get yourself a hottub, a waterbed, an aquarium and a fountain. Or live by a great body of water. Because of your heightened sensitivity to fluids you are advised to drink purified water and to purchase and service a water-filtration system for your home.

Fewer than two planets in Fire signs

You might come across as being cool, aloof and dispassionate. You may even have cold hands or feet, become easily chilled and have a slow metabolism. Without a lot of work, life's fast lane is probably not for you.

TIP: Add more red coloring to your wardrobe and your environment. Add ginseng to your diet. Eat more spicy foods, especially cayenne pepper. Enjoy more moderate physical exercise early in your day. Get a home that faces south. Live in a warm, sunny environment. Use a fireplace or a wood stove. Burn candles.

Fewer than two planets in Earth signs

Because of a certain restlessness and discontent, you're not the most practical person in the world. You may even be a bit spacey. In fact, sometimes you may wonder if you are of this world. Try using a to do list to your advantage. Train yourself to do important things with the force of habit. You may be disinterested in the mundane. As long as stability alludes you, so will a complete and happy life.

TIP: Get the things of the earth into your home.

Add some live plants to your environment. Fill your home with tile, pottery, wicker, ceramics, rocks and crystals. Spend more time in the present moment. Constantly remind yourself to "be here now". Eat more solid foods such as stews, soups, cooked grains and casseroles. Get more into your body. Treat yourself to regular professional massage. Find a sport or exercise regime that you can enjoy. Walk around in your bare feet in the cool dewy grass. Work to acquire a sense of steady rhythm and endurance.

Four or more planets in Air signs

Your mind is your most valuable asset; you could be an intellectual. The world of ideas is important to you. Intellectual companionship, seminars, books, magazines, films, and educational cassettes interest you. Feeding your mind is just as important as feeding your body. School can be the place for you.

TIP: In the words of Robert Anton Wilson, "You need to learn more about everything, including how to learn more."

People fascinate you and you tend to regard them in a detached manner. Consequently you enjoy teamwork and social interactions more than most folk. Sentimentality does not figure highly in most of your relationships.

You can excel in any field that requires negotiation skills. Sales and writing may be avenues of pursuit. You have an affinity for abstract reasoning, codes of law and ethics - you're very good at perceiving, comparing and communicating. You are much more objective than most people, and probably more liberal in your thinking.

Your weakness is not foolishness so much as it is indecisiveness. Too much thinking can result in lost opportunities. There is a time to get out of your head and make a decision. If you find that you can't sleep because your mind is racing, get up and work with your ideas. Get ideas down on paper, onto index cards, into a word processing machine or up and out into the airwaves.

Consider getting a brain machine and taking "smart drugs." Learn speed reading and typing. To avoid overstimulation, cut back on the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar. To the same end, you might take a mineral supplement and kelp tablets.

SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities:

Sun in Aquarius

Essentially, you're friendly and like people. But if the people are emotionally needy, then you need space. If there are confirming signals in other sections of this report, you can march to the beat of a different drummer. You can have an eccentric temperament and can be just a bit stubborn, unpredictable and contrary.

TIP: Become an idea person.

You can become a fabulous communicator, perceptive, intelligent and highly intuitive. Strengthen your originality and independence. You're no snob or hypocrite. On the contrary, you have the potential to develop tremendous social skills. The more you adopt the "live and let live" attitude, the more friends you will make.

MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape":

Moon in Aquarius

Even though you're a very mental person, your emotional life can take some extreme turns. Your mind has a vast scope and you have a variety of big interests including progress, individualism, science, the future and the great unknown that lies ahead. Once you break the ice, you are an excellent conversationalist.

You tend to process emotional events in advance. When things happen, they already seem to be in the past. So, you may seem to be emotionally detached and aloof. You need space and can't stand to be suffocated. When you're under too much pressure, you become emotionally detached and erratic. Your feelings can freeze over both literally and figuratively. You can be cool. Your mother was probably not very nurturing, especially in the traditional sense.

To be yourself you need to become more tolerant, especially of emotions. If you're not happy and have been holding on to opinions, try letting go and warming up. You may fret over your emotional life for many, many moons, then suddenly, it will come together.

Be open to flashes of intuition. Perform some experiments. Embrace the unconventional. As you become more secure in your own personal freedom, you will become more secure in your relationships with others.

MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character:

Mercury in Pisces

It would seem that you absorb ideas and tend to learn through osmosis rather than study. You're somewhat psychic, intuitive, telepathic and receptive to the thoughts of others. This may even be unconscious.

VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities:

Venus in Pisces

It may not be so much love as the ideal of love that matters to you. This can make you appear to be fickle and inconsistent. The power of art and music can not only soothe you, it can improve your relationship with money.

MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self:

Mars in Libra

Teamwork can be the right thing for you. You have a strong urge to form associations. Paradoxically, you please others to please yourself. Once you find the right partner, you have plenty of energy.

JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits:

Jupiter in Scorpio

Motivations may compel you to make some shrewd grabs for power and profit. You can develop an immense appetite for sexual and financial secrets. You can do some big things with your deep probing and your determination.

SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self:

Saturn in Aquarius

Destiny has given you social responsibilities and problems to solve. Your growth is contingent upon a break from the past. New friendships and new associations bring new security. Accelerate the rate at which you network.

URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits:

Uranus in Aries

You have a measure of daring and courage. It's possible that you can experience quick and unsettling outbursts of unusual energies. You get a 7-year itch to be an impetuous little devil. Steer clear of political fanaticism. Feel free to blaze a new technological trail.

NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side:

Neptune in Virgo

Become more receptive to new methods and tools to make your work place more conducive to creativity and productivity. Get more plants for your office, learn new ways to blend the spiritual with the material.

PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies:

Pluto in Cancer

You've an extra intense need for physical and emotional security. The hell of it is that domestic tranquillity has probably eluded you. Once you cultivate a live-and-let-live attitude, your emotional life will improve considerably.

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