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Celebrity Horoscope for Jim Davidson

Celebrity Astrology Profile
Jim Davidson

Born December 13, 1954

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Elements and Qualities:

Four or more planets in Water signs

A great deal of your time is spent in the world of feelings, emotions and intuitions. For the most part, your life is experienced as an ebb and flow of emotional tides and currents. You usually react strongly to the emotional atmosphere of any given situation. You don't deal with people so much by their outward appearance as you do by their inner state. You seem to know things intuitively and have some degree of psychic power. Your best communication is often nonverbal.

You are very impressionable though you try to hide it. Since intangibles play a great role in your life, practicality or intellectualism isn't necessarily your thing.

Few things bring you greater happiness than a successful, close, personal relationship. You have an innate understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all forms of life. Empathy, compassion and emotional rapport can be your strongest virtues. However, not many people are ready to merge the way you are. Learn to recognize and respect other peoples' boundaries. Because of your constant awareness of other peoples' emotions, you need to insure your privacy and to practice some form of daily prayer or meditation.

TIP: Master an art form such as poetry, music, photography or dance. You can do it.

All things aquatic and nautical fascinate you; you are in your natural element when surrounded by water. So, get yourself a hottub, a waterbed, an aquarium and a fountain. Or live by a great body of water. Because of your heightened sensitivity to fluids you are advised to drink purified water and to purchase and service a water-filtration system for your home.

Four or more planets in Fire signs

You tend to be active, dynamic, mobile and assertive. You know that you're special and enjoy a charmed life. Intuition is your thing and you live by your own code, which is usually positive and life affirming. Competitive and flamboyant, you give people a strong and immediate impression of who you are. Timid and slow folk may find you overwhelming, rash and willful. You are more or less self-motivated.

TIP: When dealing with regular people and mere mortals, be patient and polite.

You may or may not carry a vision of the future. If you do, it is your passion and inspiration that can make you the hub of the wheel and an inspiration to others. Once you are sufficiently inspired, you can accomplish virtually anything. On the contrary, when you are without a vision, an aspiration or a goal, you become a candidate for spontaneous combustion.

TIP: If you are a hot head or have dry skin, drink several glasses of pure water every day.

You need to build up your energy and avoid burn out. Make the most of cat naps.

Fewer than two planets in Earth signs

Because of a certain restlessness and discontent, you're not the most practical person in the world. You may even be a bit spacey. In fact, sometimes you may wonder if you are of this world. Try using a to do list to your advantage. Train yourself to do important things with the force of habit. You may be disinterested in the mundane. As long as stability alludes you, so will a complete and happy life.

TIP: Get the things of the earth into your home.

Add some live plants to your environment. Fill your home with tile, pottery, wicker, ceramics, rocks and crystals. Spend more time in the present moment. Constantly remind yourself to "be here now". Eat more solid foods such as stews, soups, cooked grains and casseroles. Get more into your body. Treat yourself to regular professional massage. Find a sport or exercise regime that you can enjoy. Walk around in your bare feet in the cool dewy grass. Work to acquire a sense of steady rhythm and endurance.

Fewer than two planets in Air signs

You probably don't think or reason things out quite the way that other people do. Detached, objective thinking is just not one of your stronger innate abilities.

It probably takes considerable effort for you to express yourself and you may even be distrustful of smooth and fast talkers.

Although the university life per say may not be your thing, continuing education is necessary. If you do not allow tolerance for cultural diversity, you may suffer from corresponding rigid physical symptoms such as arthritis.

TIP: Attend some classes, workshops and seminars on topics of interest.

Since book learning probably brings frustration, learn more from hands on experience. Instead of people telling you, have them show you. Add some wind chimes and mobiles to your environment. Do regular breathing exercises. Have someone teach you pranayama which is the yogic science of breathing. Make a conscious effort to find an appropriate outlet for detachment.

SUN in your chart -- your "stellar" qualities:

Sun in Sagittarius

Essentially you're a good sport. The question is, "What's your game?"

TIP: Aim high and roam free.

When you are naturally enthusiastic, folks tend to like you. Cultivate your natural tolerance and you will be able to get along with many different types of people. You can get the power of positive thinking to work overtime. To do so, you must clarify your ideals and pursue your spirit of adventure. The ancients believed that turquoise could counter negative vibes and relieve melancholia for Sagittarians.

MOON in your chart -- your personal "lunar landscape":

Moon in Leo

You're a tiny bit proud and perhaps a little bit stubborn. When you're under stress, you get dramatic.

No matter what your class, there is something regal and aristocratic about you and your bearing. You are status conscious and hunger for prestige and social privilege. You want to be recognized as someone special. When you become confident, you will become an effective leader.

You can get what you want by giving applause, admiration and appreciation. Any criticism or interference you run seems to come back on you multiplied. Your sincere complements get better results.

TIP: Learn to fulfill a definite and specific purpose.

At times you can be kind, childlike and open. Perhaps you indulge your penchant for monograms and jewelry. You have an instinct for leadership and the limelight. It would be good for you to be applauded regularly. Create new ways to make your job playful.

You're enthusiastic and generous. In love you enjoy moments of risky and risque fun. For luck in love, burn gold candles. Buy a gold lamp to illuminate your love making.

Your home can be a showplace for art and beauty. You can profit by catering to the public's need for entertainment. You want very much to be proud of your children.

MERCURY in your chart -- your "mercurial" character:

Mercury in Sagittarius

Dry humor is one of your better characteristics. You're quick and bright and make your point. In bed you can be both vigorous and vocal. You're probably not afraid to ask your partner what turns them on.

VENUS in your chart -- your "Venusian" sensibilities:

Venus in Scorpio

Passion matters to you and your affairs can be an all-consuming experience. You're not satisfied with anything less than the total fulfillment of desire. When you do not receive gratification, your love can turn into hate.

MARS in your chart -- your "martial" self:

Mars in Pisces

The water can both energize and relax you. Make your bathroom a more lavish place. Install a water fountain and an aquarium in your home. You're naturally pliant. To increase your agility and love for life: swim, sail, dance, surf and do in-pool exercises.

JUPITER in your chart -- your "jovial" character traits:

Jupiter in Cancer

Many are your feelings and great is your kindness. You can develop people skills and benefit through various business dealings that require the personal touch. You could do something very big with food.

SATURN in your chart -- your "saturnian" self:

Saturn in Scorpio

You may not give people a "second chance". You have some stinging repartee and biting humor. Find the right focus for your intense energy and tremendous willpower. In time, any disciplined research you do will bring results.

URANUS in your chart -- your "uraniuan" traits:

Uranus in Cancer

To become yourself it may be necessary to make a break away from your home and family. Your personal life is unsettled. Probably you're fond of electronic devices. You get a 7-year itch to free yourself from restrictive domestic situations.

NEPTUNE in your chart -- your "neptunian" side:

Neptune in Libra

It is probably a good idea for you to steer clear of people heavily involved with alcohol and religious fanaticism. For at least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks focus your mind exclusively on the meanings of this statement, "All observation tends to be self observation."

PLUTO in your chart -- your "plutonian" tendencies:

Pluto in Leo

You're here to find yourself, be yourself and express yourself. The hell of it is that jealousy and power struggles are issues you must squarely face. Jealousy is not necessarily a trait of yours. However, you'll have to deal with the jealousy of your peers and in business.

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